Gambarie, Garibaldi and a Day in the Aspromonte Mountains

GAMBARIE Calabria’s dramatic landscape imparts more than a stunning panorama. Back in time, the mountains served as an escape from Arab marauders and malaria. Today, they’re a place for coastal dwellers and visitors seeking recreational getaways – skiing in the winter, hiking in the warmer months and a sought after refuge from the summer heat. 

Three Classic Books on Calabria

CALABRIAN TRAVELOGUES If you do any search of books about Calabria, there are three titles that will invariably come up: Journals of a Landscape Painter in Southern Calabria (1852) by Edward Lear, By the Ionian Sea: Notes of a Ramble in Southern Italy (1901) by George Gissing and Old Calabria (1915) by Norman Douglas. 

The ‘Ndrangheta

CALABRIA AND CRIMINALITY When I set out to write Calabria: The Other Italy, my goal was to give a contemporary picture of the region, which like any place, included the good and the not so good. I documented my experiences as well as current and past events that had affected and shaped the people and their environment.