BOOK SIGNINGS: THE UNKNOWN Book signings of an unfamiliar writer can be rather awkward affairs. Patrons of the bookstore, library or other organization hosting the event may wander by to support a local initiative or they may just pass the author’s table by chance. However, without a line out the door, potential readers often find themselves at a loss.
The “Tavola Calda” – Part 2, Calabrian Eateries: “Il Gastronauta”
VARIOUS TAVOLE CALDE or SLOW FOOD FAST Like my father with the trattoria, my experience with the tavola calda began in Rome, where I spent several months at different times studying Italian. Looking for a nutritious, economical lunch, I ventured into a number of such eateries.
A Calabrian Tarantella
DANCING IN THE STREET In Calabria, the tarantella always seems to be present, whether formally or informally, whenever there’s a traditional town festival or religious procession. A group of musicians with folk instruments may set up in a piazza, begin playing, and a crowd will invariably gather—young and old, toddlers flailing with their characteristic, unbridled enthusiasm, and old-timers with the …
LE FRITTOLE: The Pig Boil, Calabrian Style
INVITATION TO A PIG BOIL My introduction to le frittole came early in my time in Calabria when I was invited to a student’s house in the country to participate in the experience. I must say that I was impressed with the master of ceremonies and his wife. They were just regular people—a civil servant and schoolteacher—who as far as …
Palmi, Calabria: The House of Culture
PALMI’S ASSEMBLAGE OF CULTURE La Casa della Cultura, the complex of museums and libraries in Palmi has a good name. It certainly piqued my interest. The photos I had seen of various items in its ethnographical museum had further aroused my curiosity. Before visiting, however, I thought it best to confirm the opening hours.
Elections in Calabria
ITALY’S SEXIEST MAYOR “I don’t find him sexy.” “Who?” “The mayor. The TV’s saying he’s the sexiest mayor in Italy. I don’t know. He doesn’t transmit ‘sexy’ to me.” The 70-year-old woman wanted my opinion.
An American Thanksgiving in Italy
THANKSGIVING ABROAD “What are you going to do for Thanksgiving?” If it weren’t for the e-cards from family and friends, Thanksgiving could easily pass unnoticed when living abroad. Everyone has heard of the holiday. The colorful images of robust turkeys, friendly native people and buckle-shoed Pilgrims have even lent a certain popularity to what may be America’s most characteristic celebration.
Calabrian Eateries: La Festa di San Martino
SAINT MARTIN’S DAY November 11th is celebrated as Saint Martin’s Day in many European countries. Historically, the feasting marked the end of the agrarian season and initiated a period of fasting that eventually became Advent. Saint Martin or Martin of Tours lived in the 4th century, started out as a Roman soldier, left the army to became a monk and …
Reggio Calabria’s Musical Instrument Museum
“There are things that don’t burn.” One year ago today, Reggio Calabria’s Musical Instrument Museum was torched. Musical instruments and scores went up in flames. However, as was affirmed by a young boy on the evening of the solidarity march held shortly after the heinous event, “You can’t touch music, therefore, it wasn’t burned.”