THE ANGLO-ITALIAN CLUB Calabrians have shown a lot of interest in my book, Calabria: The Other Italy. Even those who don’t speak a word of English want to know what it’s about and how they’re portrayed. The members of the Anglo-Italian Club of Reggio Calabria have taken a particular interest. Heck, the group is in the book.
Reflection: The Italian Beach
Summer is a season Italians look forward to—beautiful weather, attractive tans, relaxation, time off from work and school. Cities tend to empty out, spilling over to the beaches that seem to come alive overnight.
Reflection: From Print to Electronic Formats
UNDERSTANDING THE E-BOOK “It’s just words on a page.” I’m not an e-book reader. When I started out in the process of converting my print book to an electronic format, I had a little trouble wrapping my brain around the so-called fluidity of the page and this is what I was told.
Reflection On The Riace Bronzes
Sometimes I think that this famous pair of bronze statues must be tired, on their feet all day in that fixed warrior position. The Riace Bronzes are like models in an art studio, except no one’s drawing.
Reflection: Publishing CALABRIA: THE OTHER ITALY
WRITING IS JUST THE BEGINNING Writing a book is demanding. Publishing a book is another story. I’m generally very disciplined, so setting myself in front of the computer every day for about ten months was challenging, but doable. Plus, I already had a doctoral dissertation under my belt, so it wasn’t as formidable a task as a first effort might …
Reflection: Lining up Today’s Pixels With the Columns of Ancient Greece
THE BOOK COVER PUTTING TOGETHER A BOOK for publication takes a lot of thought and requires many decisions. For obvious reasons, much care is given to the cover, but the interior layout, choice of fonts and typesetting is equally important as that’s where the reader ultimately will spend most of his time. The book cover, however, gives the first impression, …