A combination of mystery, comedy and travel, the Italian television series Imma Tataranni takes viewers on an armchair trip to Matera, the evocative Città dei Sassi (Stone City) in the Basilicata region, located in the instep of the Italian boot. The beautifully filmed drama follows the career and family life of its protagonist and intrepid investigator Imma Tataranni.
Donkey Flies, Heartwarming Film from Calabria, Italy
Sometimes you miss a movie when it first comes out, but when it finally lands on your radar, how delightful it can be! Thus is the case with the Italian film Asino Vola. Released in 2015, Donkey Flies is one of those rare movies that can be enjoyed by the entire family.
From the Vine: A Return to Roots Film featuring Basilicata and Aglianico Wine, with Director’s Insights
Having just published my book about Basilicata, Italy, I was naturally drawn to the film From the Vine, made available in the United States this past week. The drama tells the story of a burnt-out corporate executive who quits his job with a Canadian car manufacturer to return to his roots in Acerenza, South Italy.
Mid-August Lunch, A Favorite Italian Film
PRANZO DI FERRAGOSTO I was utterly charmed the first time I saw Pranzo di Ferragosto just after its release in the early fall of 2008. I remember seeing it in Rome at the multiplex in Piazza Barberini with friends from Rieti, where I was staying. The film wasn’t expected to be a huge draw and hadn’t been programmed in Rieti, …