easy-walking tour

Castles and Wines of Calabria Easy-Walking Tour, Inaugural Journey

How many days in Calabria? People are always amazed when they come upon my tours and realize that the entire program focuses on one lesser-known region. Discerning individuals, however, are rather delighted, not concerned with mass tourism’s raised eyebrow at the idea of a third itinerary in an area used by industry behemoths as a pass-through for their big bus …

wine tasting brochures

Wine Tasting at a Hospitality School in Calabria

Who doesn’t like a wine tasting? A friend recently invited me to a degustazione di vini at a school in Villa San Giovanni, Calabria, and I jumped at the opportunity to sample wines from twenty different Calabrian producers. Attempting to taste even a percentage of the wines on offer that evening would be a challenge, but I was certainly more …

wine grottos

Pietragalla, Magical World of the “Palmenti” Wine Grottos in Basilicata

The wine grottos of Pietragalla capture the imagination. The little cave-like structures that emerge spontaneously from the earth evoke another world, perhaps that of an ancient people or even of hobbits. They are called palmenti, and you will find this atmospheric complex in South Italy, specifically in northern Basilicata, just twenty kilometers from Potenza, the region’s capital.